Discover the Black and White Villages of Herefordshire

Contact Us

The best source of Tourist information about the area is likely to be provided by Tourist Information.  There is a Tourist information centre in Leominster  – 01568 616460, a town on the Black and White Village Trail.

We welcome feedback and suggestions about this website – please tell us if you have any great ideas or if we have missed something.

The best way to contact us is to use the form below:


If you would like to e-mail us, please use:  we will come back to you as quickly as possible.

The Black and White Trail website is run by Online Retailing Ltd.

We are based at:  61 Bridge Street, Kington, Herefordshire.  HR5 3DJ

If you would like to call us please use 03330 888 328 during normal office hours. is a community project set up, supported and funded by John Hewitt, a Director of Online Retailing Ltd.
